Gibraltar Association of Trust and Company Managers
ATCOM - "Doing Business 2014 and Beyond"
Date: Tuesday 25th November 2014
Venue: Elliot Hotel – Rooftop Suite
Speakers and topics:
8.30am-9.00am: Registration and Tea/Coffee
9.15am: Introduction from Chairman Nick Cruz
9.20am: Welcome by Minister for Finance the Honourable Albert Isola MP
9.30am: John Cassidy Crowe Clark (dealing with HMRC 2014 and beyond, Role Play)
10.15am: Andy Cole and Jim Ferguson HMRC (what UK HMRC will accept and expect 2014 and beyond)
11.30am: Break for coffee
11.50am: Philip Baker QC (Data Protection, EU and Constitutional Rights v disclosure)
12.40pm: Samantha Barrass CEO FSC (Positive and Effective regulation, doing business 2014 and beyond safely)
1.00pm: Chairman: closure of seminar
Cost: ATCOM Members £40 ATCOM - Non Members £50
Kindly note that spaces are limited and are on a first come first served basis.
To confirm your attendance please contact Kyra Romano-Scott